Contoh report text polar bear
Contoh report text polar bear

Misalnya report test memaparkan KELINCI secara general, mengenai perkembang biakannya, makannya hingga habitatnya. Berbeda dengan descriptive text (teks deskripsi) yang menggambarkan sesuatu secara specific. Factual report text ditulis secara general. FACTUAL REPORT TEXT Factual report textFactual Report textadalah teks yang mengambarkan benda atau barang secara apa adanya berdasarakan kajian ilmiah/ fakta. (present tense)5)My friend bought a new car. (future tense)4)Our dog does not bite the cat. (present tense)3)The girls will play handball. (past tense)2)The electricians test the fire alarm. (rubah ke dalam kalimat pasif) Example: - The students wrote letters.(past tense) - Letters were written by the students.ġ)Levi Strauss invented the blue jeans. (present tense)5) The red car will be bought by me someday. (present tense)4)Coffee is sold by Marie. (past tense)3) The computer is used by Patrick. (past tense)2)The train was washed by the worker. (rubah ke dalam kalimat aktif) Example: - Letters were written by the students.(past tense) - The students wrote letters.ġ)The club was founded by Ron and Peggy. 5) The books will be bought by me.TUGAS 5:A.


(Active)1)Bingo is played in Britain.2)Lots of houses were destroyed.3)French is spoken in Nigeria.4)The bus driver drives a bus carefully. TUGAS 4: Are the sentences written in Active or Passive voice? (apakah kalimat kalimat tersebut aktif atau pasif?)Example: Steven likes to play baseball. (+) noodle will be eaten by her.(-) noodle wont (will not) be eaten by her.(?) will noodle be eaten by her? (?) will she eat noodle? Object (dijadikan subject) + will + be +Verb 3 + (subject yang dijadikan object) Simple FutureSubject + will + verb 1 + object (+) noodle was eaten by her.(-) noodle was not eaten by her. Object (dijadikan subject) + was / were +Verb 3 + (subject yang dijadikan object) (her = subject yang menjadi object)(?) is noodle eaten by her? (her = subject yang menjadi object)(-) Noodle is not eaten by her. (?) Does she eat noodle? -Object + to be (is/am/are) + VERB 3 + (subject yang dijadikan object)

contoh report text polar bear contoh report text polar bear

PASSIVE VOICE FORM No.TensesActive SentencesPassive Sentencesġ.Simple Present TenseSubject jamak+ verb 1 + objectSubject tunggal + verb s/es + Object (PASSIVE VOICE) dimana Bola dikenakan kegiatan dipukul yang dilakukan oleh James.Īctive:The ball hits Janet.Passive:Janet is hit / Janet is hit by the ball.Īctive:He wrote a letter.Passive:The letter was written /The letter was written by him.Īctive:Kevin will take a picture.Passive:A picture will be taken /A picture will be taken by Kevin. (ACTIVE VOICE) dimana subject James melakukan suatu kegiatan dalam kata kerja memukul. Sedangkan ACTIVE VOICE adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh subject-nya. PASSIVE VOICE adalah kalimat dimana subjectnya dikenakan suatu kegiatan. The sentence "The ball was hit by James" is apassive sentence. In other words, the form "was hit" shows that the subject(The ball) was affected by the action. In the sentence "The ball was hit by James," the verb "was hit" is in thepassive voice. The sentence "James hit the ball" is anactive sentence. In other words, the form "hit" shows that the subject(James) did the action. PASSIVE VOICE What do we mean by "voice"?Voiceis the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of a sentence does the action (= theactive voice) or is affected by it (=the passive voice).Examples: In the sentence "James hit the ball," the verb "hit" is in theactive voice.

contoh report text polar bear

Contoh: Makmur/11TKJ2/passive voice dan factual report text.

contoh report text polar bear

ULANGAN HARIAN 2WHAT MUST YOU DO: KERJAKAN TUGAS 4, 5 dan 6, SERTA ULANGAN HARIAN 2 dalam file ini KIRIMKAN KE: dengan format: nama/kelas/nama mareri2. The sense of sight also is very keen, but the sense of smell is weak or lacking, except few vultures and others birds.MATERI KE 2: PASSIVE VOICE & FACTUAL REPORT TEXTDAFTAR ISI :1. Birds have keen hearing, although they have no external ears. As in mammals the only other group of warm-blooded animal, the circulation is highly perfected so that there is no mixing of arterial and venous blood, but the arrangement of veins and arteries by which this is accomplished different in the two groups. The teeth are absent except in some fossil forms. The bony part of the tail, except in the very earliest fossil birds is very short, and the visible tail is composed of feathers only. The forelimbs of birds are modified into wings. All birds have feathers, although in some types, particularly those that cannot fly, the normal structure of the feathers may be much modified and be downy, woolly, or straw like. Next to the animals, birds are the most important group of land-living vertebrates. Birds belong to a class of warm blooded vertebrate animals with feather covered bodies.

Contoh report text polar bear